Medela´s Breastfeeding & Lactation Symposium 2023 – Extended Edition (6 lectures)

6 courses



Medela´s Symposium 2023 extended edition includes all six lectures delivered by the renowned speakers and their enlightening discussions from the live event hosted in Munich. Attendees can dose the viewing and watch each course separately.  CPD points can also be earned per course for a total of 3 CPD points.


The Symposium bundle is also available with simultaneous translations. Click on the following links to access. 


International speakers provided most recent advances in the topics of lactation as a biological system, research in the mother-breast milk-infant “triad” and initiation of lactation best practice in the neonatal unit and Maternity Ward as well as focused on the need of prioritizing own mother’s milk and collecting standardized metrics to improve infant outcomes in the neonatal unit.


The agenda included the following lectures:

  • Lactation as a biological system: The dynamics of human milk composition (Prof. Lars Bode, USA)
  • Lactation as a biological system: The importance of dose (Prof. Donna Geddes, Australia)
  • A call to action: Improving human milk & breastfeeding outcomes by prioritizing effective initiation of lactation (Prof. Diane Spatz, USA)
  • Initiation of lactation: Prophylactic lactation support as Standard of Care for mothers of NICU infants (Dr Rebecca Hoban, Canada)
  • Improving survival & outcomes for preterm infants through optimizing early maternal breast milk: A national quality improvement toolkit from BAPM (Dr Sarah Bates)
  • Prioritizing own mother‘s milk in the neonatal unit: Need for standardized metrics that capture lactation and infant feeding (Prof. Neena Modi)

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