Welcome to the Medela University

We invite you to explore the Medela University where you will find online courses on Breastfeeding & Lactation. Please note that all courses are free of charge.

Getting started

This five-part NICU Quality Improvement webinar series focuses on tools for enhancing clinical practice. Our expert panel, including Dr. Leslie Parker, Dr. Diane Spatz, Dr. Paula Spatz, Dr. Jae Kim, and Rose Horton, will share evidence-based best practices and tools to help NICU mothers establish a full milk supply. This is crucial for meeting the nutritional needs and optimizing the health outcomes of their vulnerable infants. The courses in this bundle are CEU and CPD accredited. Read more

Este curso eLearning detalhado oferece um guia passo-a-passo sobre a configuração do extrator Symphony®, incluindo a utilização de kits para recolha de leite materno. Aprenderá quando selecionar a tecnologia de Iniciação e a tecnologia de 2 fases para iniciar, criar e manter eficazmente o fornecimento de leite. Este curso faz parte de um pacote educacional concebido para aumentar os seus conhecimentos e confiança na utilização do extrator Symphony®. Read more

Dieser ausführliche eLearning-Kurs bietet eine Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung zur Anwendung der Milchpumpe Symphony®, einschließlich der Verwendung von Abpumpsets. Sie erfahren, wann Sie die Initiierungs,- und die 2-Phasen-Technologie wählen sollten, um die Milchbildung effektiv zu initiieren, aufzubauen und zu erhalten. Dieser Kurs ist Teil eines Schulungspakets, das Ihr Wissen und Ihre Sicherheit im Umgang mit der Milchpumpe Symphony® vertiefen soll. Read more

Este detallado curso eLearning ofrece una guía paso a paso sobre la configuración del extractor de leche Symphony®, incluido el uso de los kits de extracción de leche materna. Aprenderá cuándo seleccionar la tecnología de iniciación y de 2 fases para iniciar, aumentar y mantener el suministro de leche de forma eficaz. Este curso forma parte de un paquete educativo diseñado para mejorar sus conocimientos y su confianza en el uso del extractor de leche Symphony®. Read more

Ce cours eLearning détaillé offre un guide étape par étape sur l'installation du tire-lait Symphony®, y compris l'utilisation des kits de collecte du lait maternel. Vous apprendrez quand sélectionner la technologie d'initiation et la technologie à 2 phases pour initier, développer et maintenir efficacement la production de lait. Ce cours fait partie d'un ensemble éducatif conçu pour améliorer vos connaissances et votre confiance dans l'utilisation du tire-lait Symphony®. Read more

This detailed eLearning course offers a step-by-step guide on setting up the Symphony® breast pump, including the use of breast milk collection sets. You’ll learn when to select Initiation and 2-Phase technology to effectively initiate, build, and maintain milk supply. This course is part of an educational package designed to enhance your knowledge and confidence in using the Symphony® breast pump. A separate Symphony In-service course for US and Canada is available. Read more

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